7 de March de 2022

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“饾應饾棶饾拲饾拏饾挆饾拞饾挀饾拏 饾拞饾拸 饾拲饾拏 饾懐饾拪饾挃饾挄饾拹饾挀饾拪饾拏 饾拝饾拞饾拲 饾懆饾挀饾挄饾拞 饾拝饾拞 饾懘茅饾挋饾拪饾拕饾拹”

It is a historical tour to review where and how Mexican skulls germinate, held at the Casa de la Cultura Jes煤s Reyes Heroles in Coyoac谩n.


Luis Ignacio S谩inz
Hilda Trujillo Soto
Perla Arroyo Lemus

Through four capsules and following a timeline, you will be able to enter into the presence of the mystery and beauty of the human skull in our culture.

These programs were carried out within the framework of the celebration of the Day of the Dead and were transmitted and produced by the social media channels of the Secretar铆a de Cultura Coyoac谩n during November and December 2021.

Program 1:

Program 2:

Program 3:

Program 4:


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