Upcoming launch of the exhibition Calavera Mexicana: Vida-Muerte (Mexican Skull: Life-Death) by Perla Arroyo
18 de July de 2022

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The Day of the Dead in Mexico is celebrated with celebration, it seems that a symbolic space without limits is opened, where the living and the dead meet, as if it were a portal in time where the past, present and future give meaning to life, which together with the universal of humanism and nature is expressed creatively and spontaneously in the environment.



The Day of the Dead is the natural scenario for the launching of the sculptural series Calavera Mexicana Vida – Muerte, whose objective is to continue the pre-Hispanic conception of the duality life-death, woman-man, incorporating other dualities: positive-negative, instant-eternity, which renew this way of thinking. Conceived in this field of inseparable meanings, they are intended to be a set of works produced to remain and transcend.

Stay tuned for dates and details of this project.


I am very happy to be able to share with you the process of my work and my work in the diffusion of our culture.

Infinite thanks to Radio Educación, Verónica Romero and her entire coordination department for their cordial invitation.

#perla_arroyo_art #artist #mexico #sculpture #contemporaryart #skull #calaveramexicana #esculturacontemporaneamexicana #bronzealaceraperdida

Fragment of cultural program 🔴 Your home and other trips of July 18, 2022 on Radio education.


To see the full video click here





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